Żakardowa chusta do noszenia dzieci Bella Net of Love(oferta specjalna) r.7

Bella Net of Love. 100% cotton, 270g/m2 . Beautie with 2 faces. Blue/black on one side . Blue/purple on other side.

Net of love - that the impression we have looking at the new wrap. Blue like the sea, surrounds the child like the sea of mother's love. It is strong like the sea and soft like love. Literally - due to well prepared cotton of which it is made (100%).

Thus it can carry even small children - but not only - the big ones will also feel comfortable as the wrap is strong enough. Today at a very attractive price, due to the first day of Spring. This day makes us faintly think about vacations and plunging into deep, blue sea - every time we look at the wrap that feeling will return to us cheering our spirit...Net of love - that the impression we have looking at the new wrap. Blue like the sea, surrounds the child like the sea of mother's love. It is strong like the sea and soft like love. Literally - due to well prepared cotton of which it is made (100%). Thus it can carry even small children - but not only - the big ones will also feel comfortable as the wrap is strong enough. Today at a very attractive price, due to the first day of Spring. This day makes us faintly think about vacations and plunging into deep, blue sea - every time we look at the wrap that feeling will return to us cheering our spirit...


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  • Dostępność: Brak Brak
  • 256,00 zł
  • Niedostępny

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Skład: 100% bawełna
Weave: żakard
Kolor: czarny, niebieski, violet
Rozmiar: 7 ( 5,2m), L
Gatunek: pierwszy gatunek
Rodzaj produktu: chusty tkane